Welcome to Coco's Pet Center! We are a pet boutique in Chestertown, MD specializing in unique, fun, local, handmade products for pets. Stop by and all pets are welcome!
Access high quality veterinarian consultation 24/7 and enjoy a 7 day free trial as a special offer from Coco's Pet Center! For more information, visit the Easy Pet Vet page on this site.
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Welcome to Coco's Pet Center!
Located in the downtown historic district of beautiful Chestertown, MD, Coco's Pet Center is dedicated to providing unique, handmade and fun pet supplies that will make your pet's life a bit brighter! We have all types of products for your dog or cat, from collars and leashes, beds, treats, toys, clothes, grooming supplies and much more.
We are happy to use our buying power to place special orders for brands and items you need/want for your special pet. Simply click on the Contact Us button and send us a request!
Coco's Pet Center is also focused on charitable giving for local and national animal-focused groups. Look for upcoming events where you can join us as we help organizations support our animals.
With your support, as Coco's grows, we will be offering services and fun events for you and your pet.